World News Company also supplier of regional and local news.

Most local broadcasters do not have their own newsroom. They mostly use much more expensive news supplier like BBC, CNN etc. They also provide regional news but not specific for every region.  World News Company has been a supplier of regional news for a long time for several broadcasters. Very satisfied customers who are happy with a reliable partner.

You can choose from several options, that has to do with the region, the demand of the customer and if there is news available? The bulletins can consist of 3 messages, you can extend at least 3 to 5 daily bulletins. The bulletins are at fixed times on our server every day and WNC Newsloader or RTVSoftware automatically place it into your broadcast system. Once set, then no worries.

We have our own news desk which gatheres the news and at agreed times set up in our broadcasting system. All you have to do is to install  RTVSoftware,  you can find under the button “Installation”.

Please take a look at our rates by clicking “Rates regional news”.